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Dasen’s 2022 commendation conference for outstanding workers was successfully held

Views: 10     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-02-17      Origin: Site

On February 17, 2023, the annual excellent commendation meeting of Jiangxi Dasen Technology was successfully held in the training room of our company. With the correct leadership and the hard work of all employees, Dasen can get today's achievements. Today Dasen people gathered together and will share the joy of honor.

The year of 2022 is a year for the company to carry forward and start from the past.

Looking back at the past year, the overall market and economic environment was not optimistic. Together with the inconvenience brought by the epidemic. However, all these could not stop us from moving forward together. We have overcome the "stumbling blocks" and difficult on the way to development. All the staffs of Dasen forge ahead and overcome all the difficulties to deliver satisfactory results. Every day and night of hard work has become a medal for Dasen people to move forward.

General Manager's speech

In his speech, the general manager firstly expressed congratulations on behalf of Dasen to the excellent staff and excellent team who won various honorary titles. To all the employees who have worked hard for the prosperity and development of the company in the past year, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude. At the same time, we hope that the honored employees and teams will continue to carry forward their exemplary leading role and achieve better results in the new year.

Award Ceremony

In order to commend the advanced, set up exemplary models, and establish the role of example guidance, Dasen issued many awards. In the meeting, the "Annual Outstanding Employee", "Annual Departmental Proposal Award", "Annual Individual Proposal Award", "Annual Individual Proposal Encouragement Award", "Annual Major Innovation and Improvement Award" and other awards were grandly commended and honored.

01 Annual Outstanding Employee

Employees are the foundation of the enterprise. Then the excellent staff is the magic weapon for the enterprise to win. In our surroundings, there is always such a group of people, who work silently and selflessly. They are not afraid of hardships, not afraid of tiredness, do their best to complete the tasks set by the company, and are the example for all to learn.

02 Annual Departmental Proposal Award

For the company proposal improvement, the whole staff of the equipment department actively participated. From their actual work positions to find and improve the problem, brainstorming, group effort, the most proposals for improvement throughout the year, played an exemplary leading role, and contributed to the improvement and development of the company.

03 Annual Individual Proposal Award

Mr. Yongjun Fu from Equipment Department actively committed to the improvement and upgrading of work, the most individual proposals for improvement throughout the year, with a sense of ownership, really put the proposals for improvement into practice, with their own actions to everyone to set an example of strength, but also to inspire more people to participate in the proposal for improvement.

04 Annual Individual Proposal Encouragement Award

The annual number of proposals ranked high, they worked diligently, put the interests of the company first, pooled their ideas, and worked hard to contribute to the improvement of the company.

05 Major Innovation Improvement Award of the Year

Proposal improvement and innovative improvement activities have been a fine tradition continued by Dasen. It is a powerful weapon to activate employees' wisdom, promote full participation and continuous improvement. We thank them for their significant contribution to the company's cost reduction and process improvement.

The certificate is a proof of achievement, and the bonus is a reward of strength. The red honorary certificates, and the bonuses are the encouragement of Dasen leaders to the outstanding staff, and also the full affirmation of the staff's hard work in the past year.

All the past is a prelude to the past. All colleagues will take this commendation as the starting point of the new year, be pragmatic, work pragmatically, fine management, continuous innovation, and carry forward the spirit of our Dasen people with practical actions.

All the harvest will build up strength for the new year. All the expectations will cast dreams for the new year. Dasen people are always on the way to victory.


 NO. 888 Guangming Road, Gaoxin Dis., Xinyu, Jiangxi, China




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